1·In this world one must have a name; it prevents confusion, even when it does not establish identity.
2·"What we're determined to do is give police the powers they need to establish identity in those instances where they need to do so," he said.
3·Such licenses are widely accepted in the United States to establish identity and conduct financial transactions. Increasingly the fakes are used in financial fraud.
4·As long as users choose passwords that are sufficiently difficult for others to guess, the combination of a user name and password is usually enough to establish identity.
5·Of course, this leaves the bootstrap issue of how you establish the trusted third party's identity.
6·In the identity assertion scenario, the servers are not using LTPA keys to establish trust.
7·Many American cities have nicknames. These can help establish an identity, spread pride among citizens and build unity.
8·The secret is to establish a powerful brand identity that sings distinction. And establish that identity before you launch any marketing activities.
9·It enabled the crime, and it was the principal tool used to establish the identity of the prime suspect.
10·Chinese requests for DNA samples to establish the identity of the remains have been rejected.